Showing: 1 - 10 of 11 RESULTS
Palace Het Loo in Apeldoorn
Palace News

Save the date! 22 April reopening Palace Het Loo

On 15 April 2022 Palace Het Loo in Apeldoorn, The Netherlands, reopened its doors after a four-year renovation. The 17th century palace has been sustainably renovated, the interiors have been restored and the rooms redecorated. After the reopening visitors could choose two routes: through the seventeenth-century chambers of King Stadtholder William III or through the …

Bollenvelden bulb fields
Palace News

Flying like a royal

DDA Classic Airlines as of April 2023 once again offers sightseeing flights in the historical Douglas DC-3 Dakota airplane called “Prinses Amalia” at weekends. The flights will be organized for at least three months, or longer if there is enough money available. Scenic flights to the Dutch tulip fields, the Dutch coast, the Muiderslot, Dutch …

Rosenau Castle Germany
Palace News

This is how well the Bavarian palaces did in 2022

The Bayerisches Staatsministerium der Finanzen und für Heimat (Bavarian State Ministry of Finance and Home Affairs) on 15 March 2023 presented the balance sheet for 2022 of the Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung (Bavarian Palace Department). Very pleased they say: “Almost three times as many visitors as in 2021! Bavaria’s palaces, castles, residences and cultural monuments once again …

Neuschwanstein Castle Germany
Palace News

Should King Ludwig’s castles become a UNESCO World Heritage Site?

In 2015 the royal castles of King Ludwig II of Bavaria were officially registered with the World Heritage Centre in Paris on the German tentative list for nomination as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Bavarian Palace Department is to submit the nomination dossier and management plan to the UNESCO Commission for review on 1 …