Last updated: 16 March 2023

Each year a lot of books about castles and palaces are being published, including books about royal residences. There are guides that appear nearly every year, and are constantly being updated, and there are specialized books. Here is a selection of the books and brochures that will be published in 2023 (dates subject to change).

March 2023


Title: Burgen, Schlösser und Herrenhäuser in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Castles, palaces and manor houses in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania)
Author: Freundeskreis Schlösser und Gärten der Mark in der Deutschen Gesellschaft e.V.
Publication: 15 March 2023 by L+H Verlag (second edition)
Language: German

Buy at Amazon NL, DE, UK, US (1st edition), FR, IT, ES

April 2023


Title: Frankreich in Potsdam. Ein Stadtrundgang (France in Potsdam. A city tour)
Author: Stiftung Preussische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg (Museum Barberini, Potsdam)
Publication: 3 April 2023 by Deutscher Kunstverlag
Language: German

Buy at Amazon NL, DE, UK, FR, ES


Title: Das kleine Buch der sächsischen Schlösser (The Little Book of Saxon Castles)
Author: Hartmut Ellrich
Publication: 24 April 2023 by Rhino Verlag
Language: German

Buy at Amazon NL, DE, UK, FR, IT, ES


Title: Les Palais Vénitiens (The Venetian Palaces)
Authors: Alvise Zorzi, Paolo Marton
Publication: 13 April 2023 by Editions Place des Victoires (there has been a previous edition)
Language: French

Buy at Amazon NL, DE, UK, FR, IT, ES


Title: Villas et Palais de Rome (Villas and Palasts in Rome)
Authors: Carlo Cresti, Claudio Rendina, Massimo Listri
Publication: 13 April 2023 by Editions Place des Victoires (there has been a previous edition)
Language: French

Buy at Amazon NL, US, FR, IT, ES

May 2023


Title: Schloss Laxenburg, eine romantische Entdeckungsreise (Laxenburg Palace, a romantic voyage of discovery)
Authors: Robert Bouchal, Wolfgang Mastny
Publication: 15 May 2023 by KRAL
Language: German

Buy at Amazon NL, DE


Title: Schloss Wilhelmshöhe in Kassel (Wilhelmshöhe Castle in Kassel)
Author: Rolf Bidlingmaier
Publication: 1 May 2023 by Michael Imhof Verlag
Language: German

Buy at Amazon NL, DE, UK, FR, IT, ES


Title: Escorial. Power, Piety and Symbol at the Court of the Spanish Habsburgs
Author: John Adamson
Publication: 11 May 2023 (?) by Apollo
Language: English

Buy at Amazon NL, DE, UK, US, FR, IT, ES


Title: The accidental palace. The making of Yildiz in Nineteenth-Century Istanbul
Author: Deniz Türker
Publication: 9 May 2023 by Pennsylvania State University Press
Language: English

Buy at Amazon NL, DE, UK, US, FR, ES

June 2023


Title: Johann Lucas von Hildebrandt (1668-1745), Barockarchitekt in Mitteleuropa (baroque architect in Central Europe)
Editors: Peter Heinrich Jahn, Anna Mader-Kratky
Publication: 1 June 2023 by Michael Imhof Verlag
Language: German

Buy at Amazon NL, DE, UK, FR, IT


Title: Châteaux de la Loire 2023
Authors: d’Auzias, Labourdette & Alter
Publication: 21 June 2023 by Petit futé
Language: French

Buy at Amazon NL, DE, UK, US, FR, IT, ES


Title: Die schönsten Burgen und Schlösser am Bodensee: Faszinierende Zeugen der Vergangenheit (The most beautiful castles and palaces on Lake Constance: Fascinating witnesses of the past)
Author: Michael Weithmann
Publication: 30 June 2023 by Silberburg
Language: German

Buy at Amazon DE, UK


Title: König Ludwigs Lieblingsplätze. Zu Fuß unterwegs zwischen Alpengipfeln, Seen und wilden Wassern (King Ludwig’s favourite places. On foot between Alpine peaks, lakes and wild waters)
Author: Anette Hausmann
Publication: 2 June 2023 by Süddeutsche Zeitung
Language: German

Buy at Amazon NL, DE, UK, FR, IT, ES


Title: The Palace. From the Tudors to the Windsors, 500 years of British history at Hampton Court
Author: Gareth Russell
Publication: 17 August 2023 by
Language: English

Buy at Amazon NL, DE (5 December 2023), UK, US (5 December 2023), FR, IT, ES (5 December 2023)

September 2023


Title: Bagatelle. A folly in Paris
Author: Nicolas Cattelain
Publication: 21 September 2023 by Flammarion
Language: English

Buy at Amazon NL, DE, UK, US, FR, IT


Title: Das Berliner Schloss: Residenz der brandenburgischen Kurfürsten, preußischen Könige und deutschen Kaiser (The Berlin Palace: Residence of the Brandenburg Electors, Prussian Kings and German Emperors)
Author: Guido Hinterkeuser
Publication: 1 September 2023 by Schnell & Steiner
Language: there will be a German and an English version

Buy at Amazon NL, DE, UK, IT, ES

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